iKnowMed mobile app Frequently Asked Questions
February 23, 2021
The iKnowMed mobile app from Ontada is the companion to iKnowMed Generation 2 electronic health record (EHR). It is the perfect extension for providers looking to stay connected while providing care at the point of need.
In 2019, Technology Solutions announced our investment in iOS capabilities across the portfolio. The iOS platform helps us quickly develop and deploy the functionality our users request most often.
Existing iKnowMed Generation 2 users can download the iKnowMed mobile app from the App store and log in with their existing username and password.
We've created a video covering the iKnowMed mobile app, which you can view below. iKnowMed mobile provides quick access to:
Lab results
Visit list
Patient charts
Context-enabled messages from inside the Work List
Attachment upload
Care team and patient contact information
Messaging with other iKnowMed Generation 2 users
Currently, the iKnowMed mobile app can update a patient's photo, or scan new documents and upload them as attachments to the patient chart.
The iKnowMed mobile app shares a database with iKnowMed Generation 2. If iKnowMed Generation 2 experiences an outage, the iKnowMed mobile app will also experience an outage.
No, the iKnowMed Generation 2 read-only environment is designed for viewing from your desktop and is not available through the mobile app.
Yes, updating a patients photo from the iKnowMed mobile app will also update the photo in iKnowMed Generation 2.
Please try disconnecting from your practice WiFi and log in using your cellular network. Some network security settings can prevent iKnowMed mobile from communicating properly with iKnowMed Generation 2.
The iKnowMed mobile app requires iOS 14 for iPhone and iPad, or watchOS 7 for Apple Watch. We recommend keeping your device up to date to take advantage of the latest features.
Your device needs to be updated to a newer operating system. Follow Apple's instructions for updating your device.